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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Shawna Lenee: AWESOME: Story about Squirting (Quick Read)

Hey Angelos,

I got this crazy story day before yesterday...

It's from one of my fans, Sean Shapiro:

"Hey Shawna,

So I've been reading your newsletters for a couple months now, but never really tried the technique until this weekend. I had to write in and tell you this story.

I don't know if you'll believe me, but I just had the best weekend of my life in a city where I shouldn't have even been...

Friday morning I was getting ready for work when I get a phone call from my old college friend, Heather, asking me to be her date to a wedding because her boyfriend bailed on her last minute. “I'm not going to sleep with you, though,” she told me.

Whatever- I didn't really care, to me it was free food, beer, and cake.

Of course I told her that I would go with her. And not more than fifteen minutes later, I was on my way to St. Louis.

I've never been to St. Louis, so I didn't know anyone and I didn't know where to go. I just posted up at the first bar I saw, which happened to be a sushi place with terrible sushi.

While I'm waiting in the bar for Heather to call, watching the Vancouver Canucks take down the Blues and having a few beers, these two gorgeous 20-something girls sit next to me.

I'm a pretty shy guy, so I didn't say anything; I just kept watching the game and drinking my beer. They were talking about one of the girl's birthday when the one closest to me dropped her purse next to my feet.

Like the gentleman I am, I pick up her purse and hand it to her saying, “Here, Happy Birthday.”

Well apparently they liked that line enough to invite me to a birthday dinner with them and three of their friends. Two hours and five shots later, I had the blonde purse-girl in my hotel room and ten missed calls from Heather.

I don't know if it was because I was so excited about having this chick in bed, but I immediately thought back to Marcus's technique from squirting mastery and I wanted to put it to work.

In no time she was grabbing my hair and told me if I didn't stop she was going to pee. But I knew it wasn't pee- I knew exactly what she was going to do.

And she went off like a fire hydrant, screaming out, “Oh my God!”, clutching the bed-sheets, toes clenched and floors drenched.

She calmed down a bit, breathing heavy and sweating, and then started laughing. “That was the most intense thing ever, what did you just do to me?”

She laughed and rolled over and proceeded to go down on me for the rest of the night.

But here's the best part... The next day, she wasn't the one who called me... her friend at the bar did.

I KNEW she told her friend that I made her squirt and I was definitely game for a repeat performance.

Me and her friend had a few drinks at the bar that night before she made it clear she just wanted to come back to the hotel room. So we did, and it was round 2.

Different night, different girl, same result.

She lit a cigarette and we sat their in silence until her legs stopped shaking. Then kissed me on the cheek and left.

So they added me on Facebook, and somehow In less than 12 hours... the word got around that I, Sean Shapiro, made girls have the most intense orgasms of their lives. It made for one of the most memorable weekends of my entire life, and it shouldn't have even happened.

So thank you, buddy. This has changed my life forever. You better believe I'm a lifetime subscriber now."

Pretty crazy right??

I was proud Sean, it gave me this great idea… I want to hear your best story!

As long as it has something to do with your love life, send it in =)

Just send it to me in an email, and I will give the winner free access to any one of my programs OR 3 free bottles of John's PHGH (just let me know what you want!).

I'll announce the winner next week, and maybe even send the story out to all my fans (I can leave out any personal info if you want).

So don't wait, just type it up and send it in!


Saturday, October 5, 2013


Marty Klein: Sexual Intelligence
Issue #164--October 2013  

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to see all previous issues of
Sexual Intelligence™.

Sexual Intelligence
Sexual Intelligence

With engaging stories from his private practice, Marty shows how our ideas about sex - and ourselves - are more important than a perfect body or exotic techniques. 

Sexual Intelligence  offers a robust perspective that makes it impossible for people to fail at sex, because they don't aim for success.

"Read this book if you want to improve your sex life."
~ Psychology Today


Each month, Sexual Intelligence™  examines the sexual implications of current events, politics, technology, popular culture, and the media.

Dr. Marty Klein is a Certified Sex Therapist and sociologist with a special interest in public policy and sexuality. He has written 6 books, over 100 print articles, and has published 7 sets of training CDs. Each year he trains thousands of professionals in North America and abroad in clinical skills, human sexuality, and policy issues. 

I recently gave seminars to two different groups of therapists: one in L.A., the other via webinar. The title of each was "After the affair, who owns the relationship?" Here are some highlights of what I said....

Sixty years ago this weekend, biologist, professor, and sex researcher Alfred Kinsey changed every American's life once again by publishing his second book, Sexual Behavior in the Human Female....

About every decade, it seems, Americans somehow become aware of the latest sexual Dos and Don'ts. They typically involve the taboos we're supposed to observe, and the behaviors we're supposed to do. They're supposed to substitute for noticing what we like...

Sexuality Training with Dr. Marty Klein


November 4, 2013
Noon-1pm PST
or via recording
For almost three decades, the sex addiction movement has been addressing fundamental human issues: lust, desire, guilt, fantasy, decision-making, and the relationship of love and sex.
The answers generated by this model, however, have important limitations. And if these answers work for some people, for many others they clearly do not.
This class will explore how we can help patients look at their sexual decision-making process, identify how they create a sense of powerlessness in themselves, and what their sexual behavior is really attempting to address.


October 7, 2013

October 24, 2013
Washington, DC
When Pornography is an Issue:
Innovative Approaches to Couples Counseling & Psychotherapy
American Psychological Association
October 25-26, 2013
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Beyond "Function" & "Dysfunction"--Innovative Approaches to Sexual Issues

November 4, 2013

November 28-December 15, 2013

You may quote anything herein,
with the following attribution:

 "Reprinted from Sexual Intelligence™
Marty Klein, Ph.D. (www.SexualIntelligence.org)."

For more information:

This email was sent to angmimik@gmail.com by dr_marty_klein@yahoo.com |  

Dr. Marty Klein | 2439 Birch St., #2 | Palo Alto | CA | 94306