Εναλλακτικοί Τρόποι Ζωής στα ΜΜΕ

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Marty Klein: Sexual Intelligence
Issue #166--December 2013  

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to see all previous issues of
Sexual Intelligence™.

Sexual Intelligence
Sexual Intelligence

With engaging stories from his private practice, Marty shows how our ideas about sex - and ourselves - are more important than a perfect body or exotic techniques. 

Sexual Intelligence  offers a robust perspective that makes it impossible for people to fail at sex, because they don't aim for success.

"Read this book if you want to improve your sex life."
~ Psychology Today


Each month, Sexual Intelligence™  examines the sexual implications of current events, politics, technology, popular culture, and the media.

Dr. Marty Klein is a Certified Sex Therapist and sociologist with a special interest in public policy and sexuality. He has written 6 books, over 100 print articles, and has published 7 sets of training CDs. Each year he trains thousands of professionals in North America and abroad in clinical skills, human sexuality, and policy issues. 

It's Thanksgiving, so let's give thanks for sex. Not just the huffing and puffing, the in-ing and out-ing, the sloshing around and drying off. Let's give thanks for all the sexual rights we enjoy here in the U.S....

Choose your sexual story carefully--because you're going to live it. Humans find meaning and patterns in everything we do. So everyone develops stories about themselves...

The New York Times recently ran a piece called The Sex Toys in the AtticIt's a fairly mundane story about disposing of things in advance that might embarrass those who clean up after one's death. Mundane except for the fact that the author specifically mentions "sex paraphernalia"...

Resumes January 7!

Bay Area Therapists:
Case Consultation Group Resumes

We meet one Tuesday morning per month in Palo Alto, analyzing and discussing cases. We focus on sexuality, and clinical issues such as power dynamics, conflict management, existential concerns, and countertransference.

Cost is $50 per session, minimum commitment of 4 sessions. 


November 28-December 15, 2013


February 3, 2014
San Jose, CA
Talking with Our Daughters About Sex
Presentation High School

February 22-March 5, 2014
Auckland, New Zealand
Training Seminars in Sexuality
STNZ & Auckland University

You may quote anything herein,
with the following attribution:
 "Reprinted from Sexual Intelligence™
Marty Klein, Ph.D. (www.SexualIntelligence.org)."

For more information:

Monday, November 4, 2013


Marty Klein: Sexual Intelligence
Issue #165--November 2013  

Follow us on Twitter

Visit our blog

 View our videos on YouTube 

to see all previous issues of
Sexual Intelligence™.

Sexual Intelligence
Sexual Intelligence

With engaging stories from his private practice, Marty shows how our ideas about sex - and ourselves - are more important than a perfect body or exotic techniques. 

Sexual Intelligence  offers a robust perspective that makes it impossible for people to fail at sex, because they don't aim for success.

"Read this book if you want to improve your sex life."
~ Psychology Today


Each month, Sexual Intelligence™  examines the sexual implications of current events, politics, technology, popular culture, and the media.

Dr. Marty Klein is a Certified Sex Therapist and sociologist with a special interest in public policy and sexuality. He has written 6 books, over 100 print articles, and has published 7 sets of training CDs. Each year he trains thousands of professionals in North America and abroad in clinical skills, human sexuality, and policy issues. 

This week I'm in Washington, DC giving very different presentations to two very different groups. I'll be giving Congressional briefings on science-based sex education. And I'll be giving a half-day webinar for the American Psychological Association on couples counseling and psychotherapy around pornography. These two subjects might seem unrelated, but they aren't...

Maybe you think about sex a lot, maybe even all the time. Perhaps you masturbate every day. And maybe you do it with lots of pornography. Maybe...

Earlier this week, I discussed some of the many reasons that "sex addiction" fails as a helpful clinical diagnosis. It's a popular term, with vague, intuitive criteria. Every week, some person comes into my office saying his (non-psychologist) wife or girlfriend has... 

New DVD Set & Download
Some people feel sexy no matter how they look. Some couples enjoy sex regardless of age, money problems, or "dysfunction." These DVDs explain their secrets, including how to:
  • Accept--and enjoy--your sexuality just as it is;
  • Talk about your sexual needs & desires so your partner can hear you;
  • Custom-design a sexual relationship free of the pressure to be "normal;"
  • Enjoy the many similarities between male & female sexuality;
  • Deal with orgasm, erection, & other difficulties. 
This video series gives you the tools to make sex easier and more enjoyable. It will transform sex into a place where you can express who you are, instead of hiding; a place where you can feel relaxed instead of feeling pressured. These secrets will turn sex from an opportunity to fail into an opportunity to celebrate. With or without your mate, you'll enjoy watching these 3 DVDs. 

For more information, click here

Save $15%--use discount code X15
before November 15!


November 4, 2013

November 28-December 15, 2013

You may quote anything herein,
with the following attribution:

 "Reprinted from Sexual Intelligence™
Marty Klein, Ph.D. (www.SexualIntelligence.org)."

For more information: